Frequently Asked Questions

No.  10 reasons why not below.

  1. Increasing demand for sustainable heating options: There is a growing demand for sustainable heating options, and wood-burning stoves provide a carbon-neutral alternative to traditional fossil fuel heating systems.
  1. Improved technology: Newer wood-burning stoves are designed with air-wash technology that keeps the glass clear, making them clean-burning and less polluting.
  1. Heat efficiency: Wood-burning stoves are highly efficient and can provide a significant amount of heat output. This means that they require less wood to produce the same amount of heat compared to older stoves.
  1. Rural heating: In rural areas, especially in off-grid locations, wood-burning stoves are often the only practical and affordable heating option.
  1. Economic benefits: There is a thriving industry that supports the manufacturing, installation, and maintenance of wood-burning stoves, providing many jobs and economic benefits.
  1. Cultural heritage: Wood-burning stoves have been a part of UK culture and heritage for centuries and banning them would be viewed by many as a loss of a British traditional way of life.
  1. Cleaner fuels: In the UK, cleaner fuels such as kiln-dried, low moisture content logs and certified wood pellets are widely available, and these fuels produce lower emissions when burned in wood-burning stoves.
  1. Government support: The UK government has shown support for wood-burning stoves as part of its plans for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and transitioning to a low-carbon economy.
  1. Educational campaigns: Industry bodies and government agencies are working together to educate consumers on proper wood-burning stove operation, including the use of certified fuels and the importance of regular maintenance.
  1. Better regulation – Emission limits for stoves has been introduced since 2022, which helps to reduce pollution while still allowing for the use of wood-burning stoves. This ensures the use of cleaner and more efficient stoves in the market and protects the environment while allowing users to continue heating with wood.

A wood-burning stove works by burning wood, which generates heat that warms the stove’s metal body. The heat is then transferred to the surrounding air warming the room.

It is possible to install a wood-burning stove yourself, but it is recommended to have a professional installer do it for you. A professional installer will ensure the stove is installed correctly and safely, and they will ensure any necessary permits are obtained.  This is particularly important when it comes to house insurance.

You should clean your wood-burning stove at least once a year, ideally at the end of the burning season. It’s important to remove creosote and ash build-up to ensure optimal performance and prevent potential safety hazards.

It is recommended to use kiln dried or seasoned hardwood, that has been dried for at least a year. Softwood can be used as well but burns more quickly and produces less heat than hardwood.  Ideally wood with a moisture content of less than 20% should be used.  This can be measured using a moisture meter.

Most wood-burning stoves are not designed to burn coal, and doing so can damage the stove and chimney. If you want to burn coal, you will need to purchase a multi-fuel stove, designed for that specific purpose.

Yes, a chimney is required for a wood-burning stove. The chimney is necessary to vent the smoke and gases produced by burning wood.

You should keep the stove door closed while burning wood to maximize efficiency. Leaving the door open can cause the fire to burn too quickly and produce less heat.  The only exception might be when starting the fire, sometimes the door is left slightly ajar to allow more air into the stove.